• 23.11.23 - Preprint on RNA drug discovery bioRxiv
  • Paper on Multimodal learning for antimicrobial bacteria resistance accepted at Bioinformatics! [paper]
  • ProteinShake accepted at NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks! Preprint coming soon..
  • Open position PhD in my research group at the Max Planck Institute. [More info]
  • Joint multidimensional scaling accepted at ICLR 2023! [ArXiV]
  • McGill University School of Computer Science Colloquium talk on algorithms for molecular structure-function mapping. [slides]
  • Preprint on graph neural networks for motif mining. [ArXiV]
  • RNAglib, python package for ML on RNA 2.5D graphs is published in Bioinformatics Journal.
  • Fuzzy network motif mining paper has been published at Bioinformatics. </ul>